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"Due diligence" Workshop/webinar online on 26 & 27 May 2021


Daniel Folgado, deputy secretary of AXA EWC and Antonio J. Pastor, CCOO AXA Spain delegate and deputy member of the AXA EWC actively participated in an UNI Europa workshop/webinar on Corporate Due Diligence and Non-Financial Information: Threats or New Benefits for Workers' Representatives, organised by SYNDEX.

The study and monitoring of the reports that each company publishes on corporate social responsibility were discussed, how they are prepared, what they contain, complaint mechanisms, etc... and how employee representatives can influence them.

Topics covered:

- What is due diligence: definition and summary of existing laws and international instruments.
- UNI Europa's action and policy
- How to use public reporting on non-financial information and due diligence in social dialogue.
- 3 separate workshops for small group discussions based on specific company cases:

  • Société Générale
  • G4S
  • Carrefour

- World Union Perspective
- Roundtable: On the way to a European law on due diligence. Exchange with the Commission. Intervention by Paul Nemitz, Senior Advisor to the European Commission, among others.
- Due diligence on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.

Thanks to Daniel and Antonio for sharing their feedback.